Saturday, August 9, 2008

In God's Country

Road trip alert: Just got back from 'God's Country'- Bend, Oregon. The clarity of the high desert is amazing. Bluest of blue skies, clearest air, crisp nights and warm days make for a fabulous retreat to rest the mind, body, and soul. While hiking (in my new organic Elodie tee thank you very much!) along the Deschutes River, I had U2's "In God's Country" melody in my head as I soaked in the setting of tall spruce trees, skittering chipmunks and lizards, and the only sound but the river rapids. Ahhh, what bliss! Talk about setting your mind at ease right before my busy season sets in and I have to get back to the drawing board and churn out some Fall 2009. I wouldn't say this trip brought tons of literal inspiration (don't worry, there's no plaid flannel shirts in my horizon nor a Patagonia-esque inspired collection). But I can say, the natural beauty of my surroundings and the outdoor lifestyle certainly inspired me for next Fall's collection. I can just see my new palette of spacedye colors - Cascade, Summit, Lava, Butte, Reed, Willow, and Sage. All earthy shades from the high desert will be perfect in my new soybean yarn I have cookin' up (feels better than cashmere, I swear!)

Besides exploring 'God's Country' along bike trails, rivers, and lava buttes, I was able to get a little small-town city vibe by visiting Bend's quaint downtown Wall Street. One of my long-time favorite stores (and wholesale customers), is the chock-full-of-cool-stuff boutique, Hot Box Betty. I remember first visiting this shop in 2004 when I was pregnant with my first child and before I launched by wholesale business in California. Right off the bat I could tell this store had it all figured out, bringing the best of LA and NY designers to the little town of Bend. Although there's a lot of Patagonia clad outdoorsy types living the dream in Bend, there's also a mix of second-homers who live part of the year in California and therefore want some fashion when they're in town. Now in a new location right in the center of town, their store stocks Stacia (of course), but has a great selection of Sharon Segal tees, Kai products, and the latest LA contemporary designers. I was happy to hear they're selling out of our Town & Country bamboo/cotton scarf top and cocoon sweaters. The light-weight, eco-friendly bamboo yarn must be perfect for the Bend climate and casual-lifestyle. I'll be sure to keep that Bend woman in mind when I get back to the drawing board next month.

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